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Selling and Leadership Ninja

We hope you enjoy the help and ideas we give to make you and your company more sucessful. We are dedicated to sharing the information we have learned over the last 40 years to help others 

Jul 28, 2018

I hope the stories about the excuse box, mirrors and recording pen will spark some thoughts to help you eliminate the self talk you may have. 

Jul 21, 2018

This show is a reminder of , "People won't care as much about you, until you show them how much you care about them". Let's show everyone we come in contact with how much we care. 

Jul 14, 2018

I share a special tip to you that will insure you have a Blessed Life, guaranteed. I also have a free gift offer that will improve your sales, 100% proven. 

Jul 7, 2018

Learn how to get employee accountability. If you are a leader at any level in any organization you will want to listen to these ideas and thoughts to get the highest level of accountability from your team. 

Jul 4, 2018

Take time and reflect "Whats Right In Your World" I hope to remind you of all the blessing you may have, to cherish those and live life with "Whats Right In Your World".