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Selling and Leadership Ninja

We hope you enjoy the help and ideas we give to make you and your company more sucessful. We are dedicated to sharing the information we have learned over the last 40 years to help others 

Mar 30, 2018

Ask yourself, how am I in undersatnding the 3 legs of my business. The three legs are Sales/Marketing, Operations and Finance. E mail for your free CEO Physical,

Mar 26, 2018

After a lot of questions this is a review of the last two episodes to help you execute on this strategy. This process always works for big sales and profitability growth. 

Mar 23, 2018

This show is about setting up your Purchase Value list. This list defines who you want to go after for sales, the time you can spend with various levels of success input. It really keeps you and your team focused on where to spend their time and wwhat the return in dollars they get for this time. It's how to make big 6...

Mar 20, 2018

This episode gives you a real factual technique for understanding your sales and that competition and price is the least of your challenge. This process is based on facts, your facts... Listen now

Mar 17, 2018

This is our 1st podcast. As the "Adjunct CEO" I want to share ideas, stories and interviews with successful people that can help you, "When Results Matter"