May 26, 2019
Learn more from Nick Friedman, Co-Founder of College Hunks about his journey in making this great company and leading a mega successful US Brand.
May 18, 2019
The lesson today is on setting your goals and how to make them work for you and accomplish them. This is a tried and true method that works. This could be the best 13 minutes you've spent in a long time.
May 11, 2019
The frustration of being in sales. You know what Im talking about. The rejection, it's not easy, the sale takes a long time or our product isn't the best. This show will help you eliminate this big time.
May 6, 2019
The Millennials will be the greatest generation as told by a baby boomer. I'm thankful because I know they will take care of all of us and make our country proud. Listen why... Previous Show