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Selling and Leadership Ninja

We hope you enjoy the help and ideas we give to make you and your company more sucessful. We are dedicated to sharing the information we have learned over the last 40 years to help others 

May 26, 2019

Learn more from Nick Friedman, Co-Founder of College Hunks about his journey in making this great company and leading a mega successful US Brand.

May 18, 2019

The lesson today is on setting your goals and how to make them work for you and accomplish them. This is a tried and true method that works. This could be the best 13 minutes you've spent in a long time. 

May 11, 2019

The frustration of being in sales. You know what Im talking about. The rejection, it's not easy, the sale takes a long time or our product isn't the best. This show will help you eliminate this big time.

May 6, 2019

The Millennials will be the greatest generation as told by a baby boomer. I'm thankful because I know they will take care of all of us and make our country proud. Listen why... Previous Show