Dec 29, 2019
The steps to creating the opportunity to never working another day in your life. It's up to you, look into the mirror and make a commitment to yourself. You're going to follow the steps to never work another day in your life.
Dec 21, 2019
Listen to the basics for a successful 2020 in sales . More income and success. Get the clarity of 20 / 20 Vision to make this happen.
Dec 14, 2019
This week you will be encouraged through several stories, to take your leadership and success to a new level by understanding a basic premise of empowering and teaching your team to do what's right. PERIOD.
Dec 10, 2019
Don't let self talk keep you from following your passion and making money doing it. This week is a special offer to help you with this technique. Don't miss this offer.
Dec 1, 2019
This is a rebroadcast by request. Getting the customers you really want . I hope everyone enjoys this. This was a number 1 on I Tunes Show.